Thursday, June 28, 2012

do you think animal jam is changing to much?

Do you guys think AJHQ is changing animal jam societies a little bit... different? I think its a little weird what there coin >.< should they change it back to normal? When non member will at least have some rights for member? should they change it? or should they not??


          After... lots of change there huh?

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Animal jam update?

I was talking to my friends and it logged me out and this happened....

Someone can explain this? All my friends are still on.. im the only one who got logged off! =/ i have a feeling, there gonna get logged out any moment 0-0

Monday, June 25, 2012

Freedom cape

Hey Jammerz todays rare is... The freedom cape! I bought one cause my friend forced me.. evil friend >:3

But they seemed to make a mistake... the picture bellow these words is the pic that was suppose to be the rare for today!

Animal jam HQ seemed to make a mistake! Lets hope this will be coming out soon :D

April fools party??

I went on aj today and i clicked on the parties, and see an april fools party...  That's a little out of date 0-0

Are they bringing stuff back from the dead??? Or is it just a coincidence?

Friday, June 22, 2012

New animal??

I came on yesterday and there was a clue! I figured it out and the new animal is..... a fox!!!!! It's awesome! I love foxes ^-^ well members who are reading this, get a fox!

 everyone should
   know that foxes are clever and sly! I can't wait for them to come out!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

My story

Hey jammerz, I finially know how to make a tab! =D well as you can see its called Hawkflight story ^^ i really hope you guys read it! It's a really good story and i worked very hard on it! O yesh FLAGS ARE BACK!!!!!!!! I really hope you members buy them!!! They look really cool! x3

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Jamaasian Movement!

So There has been rumors about a Jamaasian movement?? It sounded interesting so i read into it. I support the Jamaasian Movement!!!

Look at this! Looks like she is joining it to!!! GO JAMAASIAN! I fully support this! and I HOPE you to! =D

Monday, June 18, 2012

Im Off!!!

Hey jammerz, heads up im leaving aj for a long while! Don't worry i will be postin ^-^ make sure u read the new tab Hawkflight's story!!!! XD

Friday, June 8, 2012


hey guys! sorry that i havent been postin in a bit! i just got out of school! ^^ well anyways... TODAY IS TEH DAY I JOINED ANIMAL JAM! YAYAYAAYYAYAYAYA PARTY XD, its awesome lol x3 well anyways there are hummingbird perts! there so cute ^-^ i hope i get one soon :D and also.. im not selfish im trying to get popular lol XDXD it be fun XDXD well thx guys who goes to my blog and everything ^^